Grindeks supports adjudging of “Annual Awards in Medicine”

Category: News

Grindeks supports adjudging of “Annual Awards in Medicine”

On 8 February 2007, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia had announced “Annual Awards in Medicine”, a new award to support and honour...

Grindeks plans to finish the new production unit for Final dosage forms

The new production unit for Final dosage forms will be ready in the end of 2008. Its planned production capacity will be 2 billion tablets...

Gold Owl and Silver Owl awards presented to notable Latvian scientists

A festive ceremony that took place on December 18 at the Latvian Railway Museum marked the seventh time that the Latvian Science Academy (LSA) and...

Grindeks honours outstanding chemistry teachers

On November 5, JSC Grindeks awarded cash prizes to Latvia’s best chemistry teachers in gratitude for their contribution to the preparation of schoolchildren for studies...

Scientists and pharmacists receive Grindelis Medal

On October 8, Public Joint Stock Company Grindeks issued its highest award – the Grindelis Medal for the tenth time. This year, the award was...

Grindeks issues awards to young chemists

On October 6, in co-operation with the Latvian Education Fund’s target programme ‘For Education, Science and Culture’, Grindeks made its ninth award to cash prizes...

Valdis Jākobsons selected as Honorary Patron of the 13th Congress of the Association of European Medicine History Museums

This important international congress will take place in Rīga in 2006, at the Paulis Stradiņš Medicine History Museum and it will be attended by more...

Grindeks chairman receives a high international award

On May 30, Valdis Jākobsons, Grindeks Chairman of the Board received the St. Georgi medal which is awarded by the international rating academy ‘Gold Fortune’...

Grindeks’ subsidiary company, Tallinn Pharmaceutical Plant celebrates its 90th anniversary!

On May 2, the Tallinn Pharmaceutical Plant (TPP) celebrated its 90th birthday making it the oldest and most experienced pharmaceutical plant in Estonia. Since 1998,...

Easter present of medicines for Latvia’s underprivileged

On April 2, Public Joint Stock Company Grindeks presented non-prescription medicines worth more than 12,000 lats to various public organisations and foundations. As part of...

Mildronate – one of the most exported Latvian products!

On March 26, the winners of the ‘Made in Latvia’ competition organised by the Chamber of Trade and Production were named during a formal ceremony...

Grindek presents a bronchoscope to Gaiļezera Hospital to mark its 25th birthday

Contemporary medicine cannot subsist without complicated, expensive medicinal apparatus and it is extremely necessary for patients. Therefore, Grindeks, the largest pharmaceutical manufacturer in the Baltics...

A gift of scientific literature to the Latvian Academic Library

Grindeks presented a gift of scientific literature to the Latvian Academic Library, comprised of a total of more that 300 books and science magazines in...

Grindeks and the Latvian Academy of Sciences present awards to Latvian scientists

On December 20, at a festive gathering held at the Latvian National Opera House, the Latvian Academy of Sciences and pharmaceutical manufacturer Grindeks presented awards...

Grindeks presents gifts to the Latvian Children’s Foundation and the Red Cross

On December 11, PJSC Grindeks presented non-prescription medicines in the amount of Ls 8,097.52 to the Latvian Red Cross and the Latvian Children’s Foundation. As...