JSC Grindeks Business Development Specialist Madara Paidere has been working in the company for more than 9 months now, and in the interview talks about career growth and motivation to join Grindeks team, past experience and interest in pharmaceutical field during school.

What was your motivation to join the Grindeks team?
It seems to me that the biggest motivation was growth. Starting a job here was a logical next step: I initially worked in pharmacy and pharmacy management, and this job opportunity I saw as a growth in the pharmaceutical sector at international level. When I started, I realized that this position would be an incentive to grow constantly. The challenges tend to repeat, of course, but the solutions with each partner and situation are different, so there is constant development.
What were your associations about Grindeks before you started working in the company?
I had been in contact with Grindeks many times, for the first time I came to the career days when I was still in high school, I think it was in 2015. After joining RSU Pharmaceutical Faculty, we had a number of practice tours here to understand how the production of medicines actually takes place. At that point, I did not realize the various possibilities and possible career paths at Grindeks.
Before working at Grindeks, you were a pharmacist for several years, tell me how this past experience helps you in your current job?
Past work experience certainly allows me to understand the real patient needs and desires, it is easy to understand how pharmacists work in a pharmacy everyday – what are the problems, what motivating factors are, and how pharmacies work with wholesalers. I have to work with other countries at the moment, but basic things remain largely unchanged, which makes it easier to discuss with partners. Pharmaceutical expertise is useful in arguing the benefits of our products to start selling them in a given country.
At what point did you see that pharmaceutical field was the area you wanted to link your life and career to?
Relatively quickly, I liked chemistry during school, then I also started to think about how I could use it and what profession it might be. I did not go to study chemistry, because it was tempting to see the other side to understand how the medications work in the human body, or how the medicine is produced.
Briefly, what is the day-to-day of business development specialist?
Every day is very dynamic, because my responsibilities include everything to ensure trade in one of the countries. From the conclusion of the distribution agreement, discussions, business issues, we follow when the medication is registered to plan its activities. All organisational matters in each country should be provided to enable it to be marketed, such as listing of countervailable medicinal products, price recording, as well as some other issues. Then we plan when the product is produced, when we will sell it and when we send the medicines to patients.
What markets are you responsible for?
I am responsible for Austria, Poland, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Malta and Greece.
What are the main differences in communication with representatives from different countries?
Temperament and traditional stereotypes slightly come in play, there is a possibility that someone is more worried about some problems, but another is less. There is a possibility that it is too hot in some of the countries, and at that time they simply refuse to work. The best thing to remember is that, after all the talks and discussions, our medicines help the patients and are available in pharmacies around the World & people use them in their daily lives.
How is cooperation with colleagues from other departments?
Internal cooperation is equally important as external communication. In general, colleagues are very kind, all problems get solved. Amusingly, there are colleagues at this time of the pandemic, with whom I have spoken a lot on both e-mails and on the phone, but I don’t know how they look. I hope we can meet at some event soon.
What are Grindeks main advantages in business development?
In my opinion, to reach our goals, which are ambitious enough but achievable, is the courage and persistence that Grindeks has in the business world. We have a strong team of professionals, we are able to do all things at the highest level and move further.
What are your main personal goals for 2022?
In order to further develop my knowledge, I am also currently studying RSU to obtain a master’s degree in health management, the last few months have remained, hence its main personal purpose at present.
What are your hobbies?
One of my hobbies is folk dances, I gave it up a little bit during pharmaceutical studies, but I have now resumed. I have already participated in five Latvian Song and Dance Festivals – both for pupils and adults. I hope I’ll add the sixth next year.
Your wish to everyone.
I wish to be pleased with both the big and the small victories. While we’re happy, we are getting a happiness hormone that moves us to work more and better.