The scientist Maija Dambrova receives the “Golden Owl” for outstanding performance in science

The scientist Maija Dambrova receives the “Golden Owl” for outstanding performance in science


Today, on 14 November, JSC Grindeks fund “For the Support of Science and Education” in cooperation with the Latvian Academy of Sciences is honouring the remarkable scientists of Latvia by awarding them with the prestigious — “Golden Owl” and “Silver Owls”.

For outstanding performance in science “Golden Owl” this year is presented to the Doctor of Pharmacy sciences, beneficial member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, head of the Pharmaceutical Pharmacology Laboratory of the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis – Maija Dambrova. Scientific area of interest of Dr. Pharm. Maija Dambrova is associated with energy metabolism studies and by working in this field, she has made an invaluable contribution to the research of Mildronate® mechanism of action. In cooperation with Grindeks, new, original cardioprotector pharmacological research is currently underway, under the leadership of Mrs. Maija Dambrova.

Parallel to scientific activities Maija Dambrova is an associated professor and doctoral council member of the RSU Faculty of Pharmacy, lectures courses in the Latvian University and Riga Technical University. Under the leadership of Dr. Pharm. Dambrova five doctoral dissertations have already been developed, she has been a scientific consultant for two more, and is currently running the development of two doctoral thesis, thereby increasing the collective scientific capabilities in development of new drugs. Dr. Pharm. Dambrova is also active in scientifically organisational work — she is involved in a number of Latvian scientific unions.

Along with the respectable award laureate receives the 2,000 euro monetary prize.

In order to encourage young professionals to focus on science, special “Silver Owls” and monetary awards of 550 euros for each laureate are awarded to three young scientists. This year the “Silver Owl” awards are given to Beatrise Bērziņa, who has conducted her master theses on „Unsymmetrical diaryl-λ3-JODAN use of copper (I) catalysed arena CH amination”, Ilze Neibolte, who has conducted her master theses on „Use of ß,ß`- triketone for a new chromophore and phosphor synthesis” and Toms Rēķis, who has conducted his master theses on „Influence of the crystallisation on pimobendan polymorph A molecular and crystallite structure”.

„I have always been pleased with young, knowledgable people, therefore I am happy for the young scientists who receive “Silver Owls” this year. However, I would like to express the utmost appreciation to Dr. Pharm. Maija Dambrova for the outstanding achievements in science and the important contribution to Latvian pharmaceutical development. With her dedication and determination she is an example to everyone, especially to those who are still deciding wether to focus on science or not”, points out the Chairman of the Board of the JSC Grindeks fund “For the Support of Science and Education” Kirovs Lipmans. “Today Grindeks and the Latvian Academy of Sciences notes the joint success of work and science! Science in Latvia is necessary — as without it national economic growth is inconceivable. By cultivating a tradition to honour scientists, we are strengthening the prestige of science and confirm its role in Latvia,” says Kirovs Lipmans.

The cooperation of LAS and JSC Grindeks began in 4 June 1998 by signing the agreement on mutual cooperation. It was the first cooperation agreement with the enterprise that began scientific patronage in Latvia. First awards — “Golden Owls” and “Silver Owls” were presented at the end of the same year. The prestigious award and monetary prize are presented every two years. Since 1998, 80 prominent and new scientists have been honoured. Many young scientists, that received the awards and did not have the doctors’ degree at the time, have obtained the doctors degree throughout these years and are successfully working in science.

About JSC Grindeks fund “Fort the Support of Science and Education” 

JSC Grindeks fund “For the Support of Science and Education” was set up in 2006 with the aim of supporting and promoting the professional growth and education of specialists in the field of engineering, natural sciences, pharmaceuticals and medicine. Since its existence, Grindeks fund has awarded scholarships and awards, as well as supported contributory projects by more than 500 thousand euros. Additional information about the fund (in Latvian) –

Further information:

Laila Kļaviņa
Head of the JSC Grindeks Communications Department
Ph.: +371 67083370, +371 29256012
Fax: +371 67083505
E-mail: [email protected]

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