Health and well-being of patients – priorities of JSC Grindeks – are ensured by the safety and effectiveness of our medicines. An important part of ensuring of medicinal products safety is pharmacovigilance – a system relating to the timely detection, assessment, understanding and effective prevention of adverse effects or any other medicine related problem.

One of the tools of pharmacovigilance system is adverse reactions reports monitoring in all countries where our medicines are authorised.
Reporting adverse reactions helps to:
• identify new adverse reactions that were not previously known;
• determine most common adverse reactions;
• determine which factors can increase the risk of adverse reactions;
• inform other patients about possible adverse reactions.
If you notice an adverse reaction, lack of effect or other unusual effect when taking/prescribing our medicine, please notify us in any of the following ways:
– via online form below;
– via offline form;
– via e-mail [email protected] or [email protected];
– by sending a letter directly to Medical affairs division: Latvia, Riga, Krustpils street 53, LV-1057, JSC Grindeks;
– via phone: +37167083244 (during working hours) or +37122038854 (outside working hours).
Please note that your report must include following information:
– patient data;
– reporter data;
– suspected drug data;
– adverse reaction data.
Otherwise, the message will be evaluated as non-valid.
Continuous pharmacovigilance is the primary task of medical affairs division team.
Medical affairs division perfomance is strictly regulated by Good Pharmacovigilance Practice (GVP) and national requirements. Received information is carefully checked, analyzed and (if necessary) reported to competent authorities.
Thanks to the pharmacovigilance system patients can be confident that their health is under reliable protection.
Data confidentiality is fully guaranteed.
Marija Briede
Head of Medical Affairs Division, QPPV
Phone: +37122038854