What should you know about diabetes?

What should you know about diabetes?


Diabetes is a chronic disease which affects the way how human body transforms food into energy. Sugar or glucose is the main source of energy for cells. Food is the main source of the glucose. The food used in a diet is broken down into the glucose in a stomach, which is then absorbed and released into the bloodstream.

Approximately 537 million people worldwide have the diabetes (1), and the number of people diagnosed with the diabetes more than doubled in last 20 years. (2)

When blood sugar rises, it signals to pancreas to release insulin. The insulin acts as a key to delivering sugar to body’s cells, where it is used as energy. If the pancreas does not produce enough of the insulin or the cells stop responding to the insulin, too much sugar is left in the bloodstream, which is called hyperglycemia.

If left untreated, the diabetes can lead to numerous health problems. Serious long-term complications include:

  • Cardiovascular diseases. Adults with diabetes are from two to three times more likely to have a heart attack and stroke. (3)
  • Chronic kidney disease. The diabetes is the main cause of kidney failure (2).
  • Stroke.
  • Foot ulcers.
  • Nerve damage.
  • Vision problems.

In 2021, 6.7 million people died from the diabetes worldwide. (1)

Contact your doctor to have your blood sugar checked if you have any of the following symptoms of the diabetes:

  • frequent urination;
  • intense thirst;
  • excessive weight loss;
  • insatiable hunger;
  • blurred vision;
  • sensation disorders in arms and legs or numbness of the arms or legs;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • dry skin;
  • slow healing wounds!

There is no cure for the diabetes, but weight loss, a healthy diet, an active lifestyle, and medication can really help to reduce your chances of developing the diabetes-related health problems and to decrease the impact that the diabetes has on your life.


1. International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas. [Online] 9 December 2021. [Quoted: 08 August 2022] https://diabetesatlas.org/.

2. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. [Online] 16 December 2021. [Quoted: 7 July 2022] https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/basics/diabetes.html.

3. World Health Organization. [Online] 10 November 2021. [Quoted: 7 July 2022] https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/diabetes.

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