Grindeks will reward best chemistry teachers

Grindeks will reward best chemistry teachers


Today on 7 December, within a framework of a seminar “Chemistry as a priority” that will take place at Riga Technical University (RTU), the Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry, Communications department manager of Grindeks – Laila Klavina will present the awards to three best chemistry teachers of the year.

The following teachers will be honoured with Grindeks awards: Sanita Berge (Viesites Secondary School), Sandra Zeltina (Rezekne State Gymnasium No 1) and Emilija Lesina (Ventspils Secondary School No 6). Grindeks representative L. Klavina indicates that the company always works closely with higher and secondary education institutions: “Teacher is the main inspirer, who raises interest and encourages children to study in depth a particular area of science. Consequently, on behalf of Grindeks, I would like to thank teachers for their invaluable contribution to our children’s education. We are delighted about every young student that is qualitatively prepared and wants to start with a practice in our company, and later become a highly qualified employee of Grindeks.”

During the seminar, development prospects of the chemical industry in Latvia and in Europe will be discussed, as well as the development of natural cosmetics and counterfeit banknotes recognition, also the experimental work will take place in the Faculty laboratories.

RTU Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry is organising seminar “Chemistry as a priority” since 1999, aiming to provide teachers with deeper knowledge on different areas of chemistry, thus facilitating the preparation of future chemistry students.

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