Grindeks – Supporter of the 29th Chemistry Olympiad of the Baltic States

Grindeks – Supporter of the 29th Chemistry Olympiad of the Baltic States


To support talented young people and promote students’ interest in chemistry, pharmacy, and medicine, Grindeks has become a supporter of the 29th Chemistry Olympiad of the Baltic States.

The international Olympiad takes place at Dobele State Gymnasium and involves students from Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. Participants solve both practical and theoretical chemistry tasks.

Twenty students from all three Baltic States participate in the Olympiad – six students from Lithuania, six from Estonia, and eight participants from Latvia. The participants compete individually in the Olympiad, vying for the opportunity to receive I, II, or III degree diplomas.

The closing ceremony of the Olympiad and the announcement of results will take place on April 21 at Dobele State Gymnasium, where students who have achieved the highest results will be awarded.

Kirovs Lipmans, Chairman of the Council of JSC Grindeks, said: “Looking to the future and thinking about the development of the Baltic States, it is important to realize the huge importance of science and innovation. This is unimaginable without young and bright talents. Invested work is always a step towards future achievements, so I congratulate the participants of the Baltic Chemistry Olympiad!”

At the end of the Olympiad, the students who will represent Latvia at the International Chemistry Olympics (IChO) this year will also be determined.

The 29th Chemistry Olympiad of the Baltic States is organized by the National Centre for Education of the Republic of Latvia within the framework of the ESF project “Implementation of National and International Scale Events for the Development of Talents in Education”.

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