Grindeks presents gifts to the Latvian Children’s Foundation and the Red Cross

Grindeks presents gifts to the Latvian Children’s Foundation and the Red Cross


On December 11, PJSC Grindeks presented non-prescription medicines in the amount of Ls 8,097.52 to the Latvian Red Cross and the Latvian Children’s Foundation. As part of this Christmas gift, the Latvian Red Cross medicines worth Ls 3,869.70 Ls and Latvian Children’s Foundation received medicines worth Ls 4,227.82.

These medicines will subsequently be distributed to children’s homes, care homes for the elderly, boarding schools and other organisations such as, for example, the Latvian Invalids’ Association, the ‘Dardedze’ Centre Against Violence and the Latvian Orphans Association etc. With the assistance of the Red Cross and the Children’s Foundation, medicines will be delivered to a total of 26organisations throughout Latvia.

This Christmas present assortment includes vitamins, anti-cough and anti-cold agents, because non-prescription medicines are the only one that it is legal to present as gifts and issue without instructions from a doctor.

Every year with PJSC Grindeks support, books are published related to the field of medicine, funds are issued for the organisation of scientific conferences, symposiums and seminars as well as the issue of awards and grants. Every year, in total the company allocates several tens of thousands of  lats to charity.

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