On Thursday, March 10 Elmars Terauds, head of the Ambulatory centre “Pārdaugava” at Riga Psyciatric and narcology centre (RPNC) received the highest award of JSC Grindeks – D. H. Grindel Award for significant contribution in Latvian psychiatry in a solem ceremony of “Annual Medicine Award”, held in the Hanzas Perons.

Member of the board of Latvian Psyciatric Association and head of the Ambulatory centre “Pārdaugava” at Riga Psyciatric and narcology centre Elmars Terauds.
Photo: Natālija Golubova
Elmars Terauds has 27 years of experience in psychiatry. Amid the daily work at RPNC’s Ambulatory Centre “Pardaugava”, Dr. E. Terauds also works at the Latvian Medical Association Certification council, and is responsible for psychiatry matters at the Ministry of Health. E.Terauds is also professor, leading course of mental disorders at the primary care at the Rīga Stadiņš University medical faculty, as well as leading seminars for residents in specialty of psychiatry. He has attended at least 45 conferences and congresses and has published 24 scientific articles on psychiatry topics.
Elamars Terauds has worked together with co-authors on all clinical recommendations and guidelines developed in the field of psychiatry, and also was a group leader for developing patient paths and clinical algorithms in the field of mental health.
Chairman of the Council of JSC “Grindeks” Kirovs Lipmans: “I am pleased that D.H.Grindel’s award for a significant contribution in Latvian psychiatry is received by Elmars Terauds board member of the Latvian Psychiatric Association, head of Riga Psyciatric and narcology centre Ambulatory centre “Pārdaugava”. With his work, he has shown that it is only possible to achieve the result with a full return. E. Terauds is a man who has strengthened the psychoemotional health of Latvian people, which is very sensual in the current global context. It’s a great pleasure that the D. H. Grindel Award continues its traditions in honoring health-care professionals.”
This year there is a new design for D. H. Grindel Award. Artist Anda Munkevica has created a sculpture by combining two separate elements – metal and fragile glass.
About the award
D. H. Grindel award is the highest recognition in the field of medicine and pharmacy presented in honour of the first Latvian natural origin scientist, doctor, pharmacist and professor David Hieronymus Grindel (1776-1836). It was first presented in 1995. D. H. Grindel award has been granted to notable persons in medicine and pharmacy in Latvia such as Prof. Dr. med. Andrejs Erglis, Prof. Dr. med. Juris Pokrotnieks, Prof. Dr. med. Inara Logina, SEMS director Liene Cipule, Dr. med. Vilnis Dzerve-Taluts, Dr. habil. chem., Dr. hist. h. c., prof., Janis Stradins, Prof. Dr. habil. biol. Elmars Grens, Dr. habil. chem. Regīna Žuka, Prof. Dr. hab. chem. Ivars Kalvins, Dr. chem. Janis Polis, Asoc. prof., Dr. pharm. Vija Enina, Dr. habil. med. Vija Klusa, Dr. Pēteris Apinis, Dr. chem. Osvalds Pugovics, Prof. Dr. pharm. Maija Dambrova, Dr. habil. chem. Raimonds Valters and several other excellences.