On Thursday, March 30, professor Oskars Kalejs received the highest Grindeks award – D.H.Grindel Award for significant contribution in Latvian medicine in a solemn ceremony of “Annual Medicine Award”, held in the Splendid Palace cinema. Professor Oskars Kalejs is a cardiologist and head of medical faculty Department of Internal diseases at the Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University hospital.
Professor Oskars Kalejs has a 42-year experience in medicine. His specialization is electrophysiological diagnosis, pacemaker and invasive rhythm disorder correction and cardiology.
Professor Oskars Kalejs is a cardiologist of the Arithmology and cardiac stimulation Division of Pauls Stradins Clinical University hospital, a correspondent Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, an expert of the Latvian Council of Science, a Member of the Latvian society of cardiologists, a Member of the Latvian society of Physicians, a true Member of the European society of cardiologists, a true Member of the American Association of cardiologists ACC and AHA, a true Member of the World heart rhythm Association, a Member of the ACC Sport cardiology Concil, as well as a Member of the AHA Emergency cardiology Concillate. The professor regularly speaks at international scientific conferences and is the author or co-author of 146 scientific publications.
“Presenting the D.H.Grindel Award allows us to express our gratitude for excellence, whose self-effacing work underpins the development of medicine and pharmacy in Latvia and shapes the future of a healthy society,” noted Kirovs Lipmans, Grindeks Chairman of the Council, “This year’s Grindel Award is presented to professor Oskars Kalejs – an exemplary professional of his trade, an example to colleagues and the upcoming healthcare generation.”
Professor Oskars Kalejs said: “I am honoured to receive the Grindeks highest professional award – D.H.Grindel Award. The knowledge, input and perseverance of health professionals strengthens us as a society.”
D. H. Grindale Prize was created by artist Anda Munkevica. The sculpture “Hope” combines two anti-poles, metal and brittle glass.
About the award
D. H. Grindel award is the highest recognition in the field of medicine and pharmacy presented in honour of the first Latvian natural origin scientist, doctor, pharmacist and professor David Hieronymus Grindel (1776-1836). It was first presented in 1995. D. H. Grindel award has been granted to notable persons in medicine and pharmacy in Latvia such as Prof. Dr. med. Andrejs Erglis, Prof. Dr. med. Juris Pokrotnieks, Prof. Dr. med. Inara Logina, SEMS director Liene Cipule, Dr. med. Vilnis Dzerve-Taluts, Dr. habil. chem., Dr. hist. h. c., prof., Janis Stradins, Prof. Dr. habil. biol. Elmars Grens, Dr. habil. chem. Regīna Žuka, Prof. Dr. hab. chem. Ivars Kalvins, Dr. chem. Janis Polis, Asoc. prof., Dr. pharm. Vija Enina, Dr. habil. med. Vija Klusa, Dr. Pēteris Apinis, Dr. chem. Osvalds Pugovics, Prof. Dr. pharm. Maija Dambrova, Dr. habil. chem. Raimonds Valters and several other excellences.