On February 21, Public Joint Stock Company Grindeks presented four fully equipped computers to the Non-Governmental Organisations’ Centre (NGO). The gift will be forwarded to regional NGO support centres and four of this organisation’s branches will come into the ownership of computer technology that will prove useful in their everyday work.
PJSC Grindeks Public Relations Department Head, Jana Semerikova:“The company was responding to an invitation from the NGO centre, because it believes that a strong society of citizens is the platform for a developed country and NGO’s are one of its foundation stones.”
Every year, Public Joint Stock Company Grindeks allocates several tens of thousands of lats to charity. In 2002, the company has supported many projects of significance to the Latvian public, including the gifts of medicines to the Latvian Children’s Foundation and the Latvian Red Cross in the amount of more than 10,000 lats and support extended to the best Latvian scientists, chemistry teachers and pupils. Last year, various charitable campaigns also took place with the company’s support, such as, for example, the purchase of equipment for the Children’s Clinical Hospital, the “Sunny Days for Our Children” campaign and the renovation of Preili Hospital etc.
“The public has a right to expect support from successful, financially stable and positively-inclined companies. Grindeks’ development is closely linked to the overall growth of the country, therefore we regularly support projects that promote public welfare,” stressed J. Semerikova.